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GSE's Vision and Mission

GSE’s Vision
Our schools provide students with excellent education and exceptional nurture in an academically challenging environment.

GSE’s Mission
- GSE is an educational institution that seeks to serve the Evangelical Presbyterian Church and the Egyptian society. It focuses on providing high quality educational service comparable to the best educational service in Egypt and approaches the global criteria. GSE seeks building capacities that leads to creating intellectual and outstanding personalities. It provides its services to all citizens regardless of race, gender, ethnicity, beliefs and religion.

- GSE is committed to inspiring students to achieve the highest standards of intellectual and personal development through a stimulating, caring, respectful, multicultural environment and comprehensive program. GSE is committed to instilling in each student a desire to learn and accept challenges. The General Secretariat of the Evangelical  Presbyterian Schools has identified three areas to pursue which are as follows:

  Revitalization & Development of existing schools
   - Performing regular periodic maintenance to our existing schools so that they can sustain in providing our unique and distinctive services in the light of the      strong competition and to compromise their positions to be consistent with the new ministerial decrees issued in organizing school buildings.
  Construction of  new schools
   - Attaining more expansion by establishing schools in areas lacking our schools to date. These new schools will strongly help the communities and give chances to      many children to get better and effective education.

  Enhancement  and promotion of educational values and techniques
   - Leading in generating practical and theoretical knowledge that enables students to better understand the world and improve conditions for local communities.
   - Providing a caring and stimulating environment where students will recognize and achieve their fullest potential, so that they can make their best contribution to      society.
   - Consolidating the fundamental community values including citizenship, diversity, pluralism, tolerance and acceptance of others within each student

GSE’s Future Prospects

According to a time schedule the following has been accomplished:
• Establishment of an international English School on a plot of land measuring about 7500 meter square, at Kattameya area, south-east of Cairo.
- Currently, there is an international section at New Ramses College (NRC) in Cairo, which attracted more people during the last three years due to our good reputation and the hard work exerted. However, this section has one class only for each grade, with a maximum capacity of 27 students. This number represents 1/10 of the actual number desiring to be enrolled at this section.
- The aforementioned pushed us to seriously think of accelerating the exploitation of the plot land, allocated for us by the state authorities to establish an international English School with high-class education and construction level.
- The school includes all stages starting from Foundation 1 till Secondary (Year 12) with a total number of 70 classes and a capacity of 20 students per class.
- More than 70% of the work has been accomplished and nearly 1000 students have been enrolled in the school up to date.

• Establishment of a language school in Hurghada, the capital of the Red Sea Governorate, a new emerging area in Egypt which attracted many people to reside and live there throughout the recent years. Due to the lack of schools that offer high- quality educational services within the area and the high demand for establishing exceptional schools there was a substantial need for constructing a school.

- The school will include all stages from kindergarten till Secondary. It will include a total number of 70 classes with a capacity of 34 students per class.
- The Synod of the Nile will contribute in establishing a class for children with special needs in order to tackle the problem many families are facing.
- A piece of land has been bought and we are heading to start the construction process. According to the action plan the implementation process is expected to take from 36 to 42 months.

• Establishment of new Language Schools in Minya and Sharm el Sheikh.

• Essential extensions regarding El Salam Schools in Benha and Fayoum governorates.

• Major maintenance and restoration works, with new constructions within Ramses College for Girls, El Salam Modern Joint School in Asyut and El Salam School in Tanta


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